Sunday, February 04, 2007

Exercise for the mind and body..

Well, seeing as I'm buggering off for a bit in a short while, this post is simply to implore you, gentle reader, to see what I could do to improve myself:

I'm probably going to be drinking a lot out there, so copious exercise will have to wait until I join a gym into the smoke/start MMAing like all the cool kids do/playing 5-a-side (one of those won't happen).

On the other fronts - I need to broaden my reading. Since finishing University, I've been reading easy things which I denied myself whilst on the course. Sure, interspersed with all of that has been some Robert Graves, some Huxley, some more Austen.. but for the most part it's been finishing off my collections of Pratchett and King.

I need to read more 'weird shit' as Richard puts it. Just finishing the Ghost Map at the moment, and have read some more Johnson before that.

As for music, I'm doing my bit for eclectic music listening - though I didn't know about Sufjan Stevens before Lebowski told me about him, so clearly my lack of buying a cd every week (unlike University) has been my undoing.

You can get an idea of the sort of things I currently want/my tastes by looking at my Amazon wishlist.

As for other things, I'm going to re-take up golf, after leaving it in the doldrums for a long time, as well as finally getting round to picking up a guitar. God help my flatmates.

So, does anyone have any recommendations?


Anonymous said...

My advice, and it's pretty useless, but still, is to:

- get into photography and post pics of your life and observations on your blog,
- spend your time in London drinking heavily and going to a lot of great gigs while you still have the energy, and
- take The Devil Wears Prada off that list because it's not worth it.

Bon voyage.

Will said...

Photography eh? I'm going to bring my camera to Mardi Gras, God help us all..

London + drinking heavily + gigs = my idea of heaven.

Devil Wears Prada? I've always been more of a Paul Smith fan myself...

All duly noted; thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

I'll put some book ideas up on Raymond specifically for you Will. I've got some corkers.

lauren said...

No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books are rad light reading! Shawn of the Dead - priceless (Spaced is also a great series to revisit, just for the early gags), but if you really want to get your brain flowing again, you gotta go intense! see under:

Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
Pushkin: Onegin
Dante: Divine Comedy (all 3, not just Inferno)
Oscar Wilde: Picture of Dorian Gray

for a real mind-bender, revisit Finnegan's Wake or about benders: Strange Tale of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

All oldies but goodies.

enjoy your holiday will!

Will said...

Lauren - cheers for the suggestions. For someone who has an English degree, I must confess that I've never read any Russian literature. It's a poor effort.

I've also not read Dante, but I'm well versed in Renaissance literature for the most part/have been badgered to read it by others, so will definitely give it a look.

I have read Dorian Gray. It is fantastic.

Finnegan's Wake.. I think that's going to be a perpetual bed side book; you are one of the few people I know who's read it..

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