Well, I've been tagged by Daniel Mejia over at AdStructure, so I've got to reveal 5 things you didn't already know about me. Seeing as I've already professed my love for Stoke City, I guess I'll have to tell you all some new things:
1) Well, let's start off with something embarassing. From the age of 18 through to about 20/21, in between University holidays I worked for this company. Yes, I was a burger flipper. I'll tell you one thing; it doesn't half keep your feet on the ground working somewhere like that, much less improving your diplomacy skills. It also makes you acutely aware of the importance of being polite, as well as realising that no ban can stop people from being obese (a combination of sitting on your arse all day and eating junk food does that, a la most truckers/logistics people).
2) I'm left handed, and as a result, think more quickly, am like 10% of the population and am generally more creative. Heh. Well, I know one thing - I think my eyebrows explain why the Latin for left is 'Sinister'. However, I can throw a frisbee with both hands, play pool/snooker righty, golf/cricket lefty and tennis lefty. How odd.
3) My favourite sport (to play) is golf. Though Mark Twain said it was a good walk spoiled, I really love the game. Now, I know this relegates me to middle aged man territory, but only those who've never given it a chance say that. It's a sport with so many different facets to it; you could spend a lifetime learning the nuances. I don't think I could say that for many other sports.
4) I'm always the first person on the dance floor. I don't know why this is; I'm not a show-off in any other way, and my dancing is atrocious. But still...
5) I've met Mick Jones (aka The Clash's lead guitarist) when his new band, Carbon/Silicon played Exeter. He was, as you'd expect, an absolute legend. He's my guitar hero.
I tag:
All of these kind people link to me.. so.. tag! You're it!
Ah - well, truth be told I've been tagged already (by CK) but have been woefully remiss in responding. When I do, I'll blame both of you. :-)
Thanks, but I've also been tagged, but unlike Greg who seems to be all over the web at the moment, I have written mine up. Perhaps you should have tagged him in Second Life ;)
Both of you have been tagged.. so popular.
I liked yours Gavin. Go on Greg, let me know 5/10 things about yourself..
Btw, saying you are learning French after the Publicis takeover can't be one. :)
I'm not usually so popular. Mine are on my blog today. And for the record, I can barely speak English. French isn't even a possibility. G
sorry dude. i didn't know i was tagged. i'll put somethign up on my new blog very soon. watch this space. www.edmonkey.typepad.com
Ed - I've updated my links. Also including Gavin's blog (doh, forgot to do it earlier - sorry mate).
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